The Federation of Medium and Small Enterprises (FMPI) announces the integration, as part of the sector dedicated to the Agribusiness sector, of the “Food Livestock Areas and Reclamation Consortium Contributors” sector, which will be led by Angelo Lupoli, an agricultural entrepreneur and former president of the Lower Volturno River Reclamation Consortium.

The press conference presentation took place this morning in Naples with President Antonina Terranova, General Manager Salvatore Ronghi and Regional Secretary Nicola Di Iorio.

Salvatore Ronghi

“Agribusiness is one of our main excellences in Italy, and protecting the agribusiness supply chain means protecting and enhancing our great heritage that represents the identity and history of our nation and is a source of wealth and employment, – stressed Ronghi. for these reasons, we have decided to enrich this fundamental sector within our organization with the aim of representing it in the best and broadest possible way and promoting initiatives and interventions in its support. In particular, we believe it is essential to focus on the livestock and buffalo farms sector, which, in Campania, are going through a serious crisis due to the brucellosis emergency.”

Angelo Lupoli

Agriculture, animal husbandry, the entire agribusiness chain and the land reclamation consortium activity are two key drivers for the development of the territories,” explained Lupoli – This is particularly the case in Campania and the whole of southern Italy, an area that lags significantly behind enormous potential. In this sense – added Lupoli-we will strive to relaunch, in a logic of confrontation and sharing of objectives, the activity, which I consider absolutely priority, of territorial bargaining with the different institutional levels.”

Nicola Di Iorio

We are particularly pleased that it is precisely from Campania that this compartment can be born,” remarked Di Iorio. – because we are convinced that the agrifood chain is for Campania a great driving force for economic and employment development and to open new spaces for companies in the sector in the world, focusing on the internationalization of our excellence and the wide spaces opened by the Mediterranean, as a commercial and entrepreneurial platform for our companies.”.

Antonina Terranova

Finally, FMPI President Antonina Terranova expressed. “satisfaction with the strengthening of the Agribusiness Livestock sector and the accession of the new manager Lupoli, a sector on which we are firmly focused and which we intend to represent in every forum to promote its protection, its prominence in the world, as the flagship of our Italy, the fruit of the land and labor of our nation, and its development by putting forward proposals to the future new government so that this sector becomes the center of gravity for the growth of Italy and particularly of the South.”